
Inforom Cultural Foundation is a Romanian legal person, non-profit, registered in the Register of associations and foundations attached to the Court of the sector 2 Bucharest under the No. 161/PJ/2003 80-2/52554. Fiscal code: 16142109. Bank account in Lei:RO93 EGNA 1010 0000 0113 2447 open at VISTA BANK - Lizeanu Branch.


5+5 clădiri pentru patrimoniul cultural naţional 1950-1977 5+5

5+5 buildings for the national cultural heritage 1950-1977

This cultural project aims at carrying-out research documentations for a number of ten buildings, erected between 1950-1977, in order to promote their cultural values, moral rehabilitation and eventually the classification under the law as historic monuments. 



This project proposed a tool-kit for small communities to increase their capacity to preserve and make sustainable gain from the cultural heritage and local traditions within the process of regional and local development.


Proiectul Cunoasteti-l pe Hermann

The Walking History. Meet Hermann

This project proposed to spread in an agreeable, affective and stimulating way stories and information on the most significant domains of activity and historical periods of the history of culture and civilisation in Sibiu (Hermannstadt).